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My Friendship is like onion which has many layers in it. It will add taste to ur life. But if u try to cut it, u will have tears in ur eyes.
If CARE is a WAVE, i give u SEA. If RESPECT is a LEAF, i give u TREE. If TRUST is a PLANET, i give u GALAXY, if FRIENDSHIP is LIFE, i give u MINE 4 FREE.. keep smiling.
i may not be d most important person in ur life,but i just hope dat one day wen u wil hear my name u wil smile & say. "hey thats my frieNd"
what is friendship? u fight about the smallest things in life when u r together,& miss those very small things when u r torn apart by time
I ask GOD 2 make u happy make u smile guide u safely thru every mile grant u wealth & most of all give u strong memory not 2 forget me.
"SPACE" Seems Like An Empty Word, But Its Full Of.. Special People Around Caring Endlessly Thank u For Being A Part Of My SPACE.
"If u trust sum1,trust till the end; whtevr d results may be" in the end eithr u'l hv a very good Friend or a very good lesson...!
Best ever quote in friendship Some say "always remember me" some say"never forget me" But I will say "forget me if u really can"
I Can't Find A Reason Y God Introduced Me To U. But Dats Not d Question. Question Is How He Knew Dat I Needed A Lovely Friend Like U.
Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like ocean, high like sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother. Thats friendship..
Diff b/w Real & Fake Friends! Fake Frnd: Never ask 4 food. Real Frn: Wait 4 u 2 open d lunch box N just grab it frm u den. FF: Calls ur name sweetly..RF: Always calls u wid stupid, silly names...FF: "Never seen u cry"RF: "Cry wid u" FF: Borrow ur stuff 4 a few days & den give u back..RF: Keep ur things so long dat dey forget its urs..FF: Know a few things abt u.. RF: Can write a buk abt u...........
A smile is a sign of joy...A hug is a sign of love...A laugh is a sign of happiness & A Frnd lik me, Wel thats a sign of ur Good thngs u hve done....
Real friends are not those who are nice to be with...rather those who are nice to talk with. Coz they dont only listen...they understand...not only your words but most of all your SILENCE!
Isn't frnz a necesity in life..?? Assume urslf witout a true,sincere frnd.. Hw wud u feel at ur work place..? Wt'l u do wit ur cel..? Wt abt functons..? Tink abt evnts esply ur bday.. Who'l ask u abt ur worriz..? Who's gona tel u hs/hr sorows..? Hw wil u laugh wit a high five..? Who'l tease u pairin wit othrs..? Who'l care,mis & irritate u..? These r sme out of mny questns.. Forwrd it to al those idiot frnzzz u cant live witout.. DIL SE Dedicatd..
Day is change, Time is change, Climate is change,Year is change, Age is change,but, "MY" "FRIENDSHIP" WILL NEVER "CHANGE "
Every natural rose is an autograph from d hands of god & every real friend is a blessing from d eyes of god. U r truly a blessing.
Missed calls reach the mobile Recieved calls reach the Ear But, SMS reaches ur "BEAUTIFUL EYES&LOVEABLE HEART" So, i always like to send SMS " I LUV UR FRIENDSHIP" by SWEET HEART
I miss my Friends, When I see some other Gang sitting around, caring, slapping each other. Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter’s, Though stranger to me, they represent a part of my life i lost somewhere, I miss my friends. I like you all, I love u all, Stay happy where ever you are
Met you, became friends, shared secrets, freaked out, had fun, fought with you, Laughed with you, Smiled with you, Cried with u, Hurt you, Teased you, And here i am, still thinking of u.. Long journey, huh!!? And we shall never let it end, right? Just wanted u to know that my lovely friend, u r valued!!!
Friendship is not a word not simply a relationship it is a silent promise which says i was ,I m and i will be a headache 4 u 4ever nd ever...
In the cookies of life... True friends are the Chocolate Chips. This goes to show that in my life You are......Uhmmm..... One of the creamiest Chocolate chips i'ved ever had!
As precious as u r to me, As precious no one can ever be, I know friends r hard to choose, But u r a friend I never want to lose. -
"SMS" is more important than "calling" because "call talk" frm lips but "SMS" comes frm heart
The test of friendship doesn't cum whn u r 2gether... It cums whn u part ways & u realize dat dezpite the distance... The FrieNdshiP Z still there...
The Friends we Luv never go away, they walk beside us Everyday.. Unseen & Unheard, Still near.. Still loved.. Still Missed & Still very dear !
A SeNteNce From A True FrNd: All The People Are Not My FrNds. But My FrNds Are Not Like All The Other People.
Fan is change by 'AC' Radio is change by 'TV' Casset is change by 'CD' Lover is change by "Wife" But no option to change a "FRIEND"!!.....
Friendship is a chain of smile, a laugh, a tear, a grip of hand, a word of cheer... No matter how heavy the load... I'll be ur friend until we grow OLD!
So maNy reasoNs make a Friends so close, but oNly oNe reasoN caN seperate them. So always keep the Friendship carefully

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