Old school Easter eggs.
Logo 12
6 truths of life:- 1. You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue. 2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it. 3. The first truth is a lie. 4. You’re smiling now, because you are an idiot. 5. You soon will forward this to another idiot. 6. There’s still a stupid smile on your face.
U r a nice person… but..U have to do 2 things early in the morning… 1st. pray to God so that u can live…. 2nd.take a bath so that others can live….
Press down if you think you are MAD, I can’t believe u did that! Again? For God Sake! Why u still doing it? Truth is out now! MENTAL CASE:P
Two devils came in 2 my dreams. They said, “We want 2 disturb some good person.” I suggest them your name. They said, “We cannot disturb our boss.”
I just feel u…. Whenever I feel u…. I just miss u ….. Whenever i miss u …. I just wanna See u …. Do u know why……. It’s juts because ………… ******I LOVE CARTOONS*******
I hv 2 Eyes to see U I hv 2 Hands to hug U I hv 2 Lips to Kiss U But I hv One heart to Love U!

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